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Trail Running Women

Jun 9, 2022

Shannon is the  COO/CPO at Gnarly Nutrition. She holds her P.h.D. in nutritional physiology and is amazingly well versed in all things nutrition and the body. We dive into the best nutrition habits for endurance athletes--from pre-workout to recovery. 

Make a public commitment and put a date on the calendar and let’s take on a Spartan Race together! All you need to do is  post a video or photo of yourself training for your SpartanRace and use the hashtag #spartantrail tag @spartan and @hilsport55 and I'll DM you the code :D 

For a backlog of episodes find us on Patreon HERE

Use discount code TRW at for 15% of Naak Nutrition! 

Use code TRW15 at for 15% off your fav sunglasses!